LifePoint Solutions - Amelia
Solutions at Every Point of Life!

LifePoint Solutions is a comprehensive counseling agency with expertise in mental health diagnosis and treatment. Our staff consists of licensed and well trained professionals who listen to each person’s challenges. By using a practical, professional, and multi-faceted approach we help clients access the tools needed to get them back on track. We recognize that one of the most effective ways to strengthen our community is to help its members address various challenges through integrated, diverse services and by personally connecting them to community resources. We take this comprehensive, customized approach with each person who walks through our doors. The ultimate goal of LifePoint Solutions is to assist people with discovering their inner strengths and the tools needed to be more successful in their relationships and day to day lives.

At LifePoint Solutions we believe that emotional well-being is the ticket to productive and fulfilling living.

LifePoint Solutions
43 E Main St
Amelia OH 45102
Tel: 513 947-7000
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